Adopting the Foster Children in Your Care
At FaithBridge, our goal is for our foster children to be reunited with their biological parents. But sometimes, due to various situations, reunification is not in the best interest of the child. When parental rights are terminated by the court and there are no relatives able to care for the children, the children become available for adoption. The best option is when foster parents become an adoptive family for the foster children already in their care.
What does this look like?
Foster children available for adoption are typically 2-18 years old. Due to allowing parents time to regain custody and the time it takes to terminate parental rights if custody is not granted, babies are not usually available for adoption through foster care.
What’s the process?
If you are licensed to foster and if children need a forever home, you are already approved to adopt. This means you can foster, or, if children placed with you become eligible for adoption, you can adopt those children. We assist DFCS in converting your home, so you can adopt. Typically this is done by compiling documents from the foster home file, though sometimes updated background checks and medical exams are required. If you are licensed to adopt and would like to foster, we will work with you to convert your license as well. Click on the link below to learn more.
What resources are available?
Some foster children available for adoption qualify for educational support, post adoption support, free medical care and more.